The Rules of Data Processing LLC "RBI PM"
1. Terms
Automated processing of personal data — processing of personal data using computing.

The blocking of personal data — is the temporary termination of the processing of personal data (except cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

Access to information — the possibility of obtaining information and its use.

Protected information — which is a property subject to protection in accordance with legal documents or demands set by the owner of the information.

Identification — assigning an identifier to subjects and access objects and/or comparing the supplied identifier with the List of assigned identifiers.

Personal Data Information System — a set of personal data contained in databases and providing their processing information technologies and technical means.

Information technology — processes, methods of search, collecting, storage, processing, provision, spread of information and ways of implementing such processes
and methods.

Information and telecommunication network — a technological system for transmitting information over communication lines, which is accessed using computers.

Unauthorized access (unauthorized actions) — access to information or actions with information, violating the rules of distinction of access with using standard tools provided by information systems of personal data.

Processing of personal data — any act (transaction) or set of actions (transactions) performed using or without tools of automation with personal data, including collecting, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Operator — state body, municipal body, legal or phisical person, independently or with other persons organizing and/or processing personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data, processing (transactions) performed with personal data.

Technical tools of information system of personal data — tools of computer equipment, information and computer complexes and networks, tools and systems of transmission, receive and processing of PDNs (toolsand systems of sound recording, sound amplification, sound reproduction, communication and television devices,tools of production, reproduction of documents and other technical tools of processing of speech, graphic, video and alphanumeric information), software (operating systems, database management systems, etc. of), information security.

Personal data — any information relating to a directly or indirectly to defined state body (subject of personal data). Delimitation of access rules — set of rules governing access rights of access subjects to access objects.

Provision of personal data — actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons.

Personal Data Dissemination — actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an undetermined circle of persons.

Destruction of personal data — is an act which makes it impossible to restore the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and/or which results in the destruction of the material carriers of personal data. — processing of personal data using computing.

2. Purpose and scope
2.1. This Policy contains a description of the principles and approaches of LLC "RBI PM" regarding the processing and security of personal data, duties
and responsibilities of LLC "RBI PM" in carrying out such processing.

2.2. LLC "RBI PM" fully ensures observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the processing of personal data, including protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

2.3. The following principles are strictly observed in the processing of personal data in LLC "RBI PM".

2.4 processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not permitted.

2.5. Processing of personal data which does not meet the purposes of processing is not permitted. The content and composition of the processed personal data
in LLC "RBI PM" corresponds to the stated purposes of processing.

2.6. Processing of personal data ensures accuracy, sufficiency and, where necessary, relevance of personal data.

2.7. Storage of the personal data is carried out no longer than it is demanded by the purpose of the processing of personal data, as well as federal laws and treaties to which the beneficial owner or guarantor of which the subject of personal data is a party.

2.8. The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the principles and rules stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.9. before the processing of personal data, determine the subjects of personal data, the composition of the personal data processed and the specific purposes of the processing of personal data, which are documented by the Personal Data Processing List and approved by the General Director of LLC "RBI PM".

2.10. Access to personal data is limited in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and internal normative documents of LLC "RBI PM".

2.11. LLC "RBI PM" does not disclose personal data obtained by him as a result of his professional activity.

2.12. Employees of LLC "RBI PM", who have received access to personal data, accept the obligation to protect the confidentiality of processed personal data.

2.13. The LLC "RBI PM" shall take the necessary technical and organizational information security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, through internal checks of collection processes, Storage and processing of data and security measures, as well as implementation of physical data security measures to prevent unauthorized access to systems in which LLC "RBI PM" processes personal data.
2.1. This Policy contains a description
of the principles and approaches
of LLC "RBI PM" regarding
the processing and security of personal data, duties and responsibilities of LLC "RBI PM"
in carrying out such processing.

2.2. LLC "RBI PM" fully ensures observance
of the rights and freedoms of citizens
in the processing of personal data, including protection of the rights to privacy, personal
and family secrets.

2.3. The following principles are strictly
observed in the processing of personal data
in LLC "RBI PM".

2.4 processing of personal data incompatible
with the purposes of personal data collection
is not permitted.

2.5. Processing of personal data which does
not meet the purposes of processing
is not permitted. The content and composition
of the processed personal data
in LLC "RBI PM" corresponds
to the stated purposes of processing.

2.6. Processing of personal data ensures accuracy, sufficiency and, where necessary, relevance
of personal data.

2.7. Storage of the personal data is carried out
no longer than it is demanded by the purpose
of the processing of personal data, as well
as federal laws and treaties to which
the beneficial owner or guarantor
of which the subject of personal data is a party.

2.8. The processing of personal data is carried
out in compliance with the principles and rules stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.9. before the processing of personal data, determine the subjects of personal data,
the composition of the personal data processed
and the specific purposes of the processing
of personal data, which are documented
by the Personal Data Processing List
and approved by the General Director
of LLC "RBI PM".

2.10. Access to personal data is limited
in accordance with the requirements
of the legislation and internal normative documents of LLC "RBI PM".

2.11. LLC "RBI PM" does not disclose personal data obtained by him as a result
of his professional activity.

2.12. Employees of LLC "RBI PM",
who have received access to personal data,
accept the obligation to protect the confidentiality of processed personal data.

2.13. The LLC "RBI PM" shall take
the necessary technical and organizational information security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, through internal checks
of collection processes, Storage and processing
of data and security measures, as well
as implementation of physical data security measures to prevent unauthorized access
to systems in which LLC "RBI PM" processes personal data.
3. Rights and duties
3.1. The subject of personal data has the right:
3.1.1. To receive information relating to the processing of his personal data, including information containing:

- confirmation of the processing of personal data;
- legal grounds and purposes for processing personal data;
- the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
- full name and location of LLC "RBI PM", information about persons (except employees of LLC "RBI PM") who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of contract with LLC "RBI PM" or on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The personal data processed, relating to the relevant subject of personal data, and the source of the data, unless the legislation of the Russian Federation provides
for another procedure for the submission of such data;
- Time for processing personal data, including retention periods;
- the procedure for the implementation by the subject of personal data of the rights provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation
- Information of the completed or suspected cross-border transfer of personal data;
- name or surname, name, patronymic and address of the person performing processing of personal data on behalf of LLC "RBI PM", if the processing is entrusted
or will be entrusted to such person;
- other information provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.2. Demand the correction of incorrect, inaccurate, outdated personal data, exclusion from processing of personal data in case of improper processing of his personal data.

3.1.3. call off the agreement to the processing of personal data.

3.1.4. Appeal to the trial any unlawful actions or omissions of LLC "RBI PM" in the processing and protection of his personal data.

3.1.5. Subjects of personal data are responsible for providing reliable information, as well as for timely updating of provided data in case of any changes.

3.1.6. LLC "RBI PM" takes reasonable measures to maintain the accuracy and relevance of the personal data available, as well as to delete personal data in cases where they are outdated, unreliable or redundant, or if the purposes of their processing are achieved.
3.1.1. To receive information relating
to the processing of his personal data, including information containing:

- confirmation of the processing of personal data;
- legal grounds and purposes for processing personal data;
- the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
- full name and location of LLC "RBI PM", information about persons (except employees
of LLC "RBI PM") who have access
to personal data or to whom personal data may
be disclosed on the basis of contract with
LLC "RBI PM" or on the basis
of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The personal data processed, relating
to the relevant subject of personal data,
and the source of the data, unless the legislation
of the Russian Federation provides for another procedure for the submission of such data;
- Time for processing personal data, including
retention periods;
- the procedure for the implementation
by the subject of personal data of the rights provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- Information of the completed or suspected
cross-border transfer of personal data;
- name or surname, name, patronymic and address
of the person performing processing of personal data on behalf of LLC "RBI PM", if the processing is entrusted or will be entrusted to such person;
- other information provided for in the legislation
of the Russian Federation.

3.1.2. Demand the correction of incorrect, inaccurate, outdated personal data, exclusion from processing of personal data in case
of improper processing of his personal data.

3.1.3. Call off the agreement to the processing
of personal data.

3.1.4. Appeal to the trial any unlawful actions
or omissions of LLC "RBI PM" in the processing and protection of his personal data.

3.1.5. Subjects of personal data are responsible
for providing reliable information,
as well as for timely updating of provided data
in case of any changes.

3.1.6. LLC "RBI PM" takes reasonable measures
to maintain the accuracy and relevance
of the personal data available, as well as to delete personal data in cases where they are outdated, unreliable or redundant, or if the purposes
of their processing are achieved.
4. Using «cookie»
This site uses «cookie» to analyze attendance, user activity and website optimization. Information processing is carried out in accordance with the Policy
in the field of processing and protection of personal data of LLC "RBI PM".

We use web analytics service Yandex.Metrika, provided by LLC «YANDEX», 119021, Russia, Moscow, St. L. Tolstoy, 16 and web analytics service, provided by LLC «GOOGLE».

These services use «cookies» technology - small text files placed on users' computer to analyze their user activity. Information collected by cookies (user’s IP address, date and time of site visit, browser and operating system types, mobile device type and model, source of site login, information about user’s behavior on site (including number and name of pages viewed), age, sex, interests, geographic location of the user, other technical data (cookies, flash, java, etc.) can not identify you,but can help
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You can refuse of using cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. By using this site, you agree to the processing of your data in the manner
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This site uses «cookie» to analyze attendance,
user activity and website optimization. Information processing is carried out in accordance
with the Policy in the field of processing
and protection of personal data
of LLC "RBI PM".

We use web analytics service Yandex.Metrika, provided by LLC «YANDEX», 119021, Russia, Moscow, St. L. Tolstoy, 16 and web analytics service, provided by LLC «GOOGLE».

These services use «cookies» technology - small text files placed on users' computer to analyze their user activity. Information collected by cookies (user’s IP address, date and time of site visit, browser and operating system types, mobile device type and model, source of site login, information about user’s behavior on site (including number
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to assess your use of the site, to create reports
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You can refuse of using cookies by selecting
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